A friendly visit to the most remote point of Odessa region – the village of Kotlovyna

This spring, the Department of Tourism Business and Recreation paid a friendly visit to the most remote point of the Odessa region – the village of Kotlovyna. The staff of the department expresses great gratitude for the organization of the visit to the director of the Kotlovyn school Dolapcha Praskoviya Yakovlevna.
The Dean of the Faculty of Wine Technology and Tourism Business, as well as teachers of the department conducted a conversation with students about the main features of training in Tourism and provided information on admission. An interesting fact, among the students of the school there are already fans of tourism who participate in professional competitions. We hope to see graduates of the school as future entrants of ONAFT.
The school has had a museum since 2006, which has three thematic areas: ethnographic (Gagauz House), local lore and which covers the history of the Kotlovynska school. The museum also presents the achievements of people from the village. Be sure to visit this attraction, especially those who are interested in the history of Bessarabia.
A special pride of the village of Kotlovyna is the renovated house of culture with a hall for spectators for 100 seats. International logistical support for the restoration and equipping of this cultural institution took place through a grant project with the Turkish government agency TIKA.

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