We are in Ukrainian Tourism

УкрТуризмWe are in Ukrainian Torism


Higher education for tourism specialists

Every year young people have complicated questions. Where to pursue higher education, what educational program to choose, how to combine studies and hobbies? The whole world becomes available to specialists of «Tourism» who want to travel and have ambitious goals in life. Department of Tourism Business and Recreation of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies offers educational programs of bachelor’s and master’s «International Tourism».

The aspiration for career growth of students is supported by lectures of experienced tourism professionals. We are consultants and participants in the organization of interesting tourism projects. We provide scientific support for the development of The Agro-ecological and recreational cluster Frumushika-Nova, The Road of wine and taste of Ukrainian Bessarabia. Our Department are developers of the European wine tourism project «The Sea of Wine».

Knowledge and ability to use the rules of the business in different countries, to be communicable – all this is acquired through practical cases and international internships. The combination of unique tourism practices in the hospitality industry, the use of new specialized software allows students to work even before the end of the educational program, to implement ideas in their own business, and to explore the world.


Doctor of Economics, Professor,

Head of the Department of Tourism Business and

Recreation ONAHT,
